Rent a Car at London City Airport, London, Great Britain (LCY)

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{{vm.reservationModel.personalInfoRQ.firstName}} {{vm.reservationModel.personalInfoRQ.lastName}}
{{vm.customer.firstName}} {{vm.customer.lastName}}
{{vm.reservationModel.personalInfoRQ.firstName}} {{vm.reservationModel.personalInfoRQ.lastName}}
msg.res.benefitsApplied,budget {{couponCount}}
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Save up to 10%

On a 5+ day rental

Fall Sale

Get a free upgrade on select vehicles

$15 off

On a 3 day rental of $175+
lbl.res.memberRatesSavingMob,budget lbl.res.memberRatesStartResv,budget lbl.res.step3.reservationSummary.memberbenefits.termsApply,budget

London City Airport (LCY)


The Royal Docks,
London, XX, E16 2PX, United Kingdom



Hours of Operation:

Sun 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM; Mon 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM; Tue - Wed 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM; Thu - Fri 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM; Sat 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Holiday Hours:

CHRISTMAS EVE   December  24  08:00AM - 06:00PM
CHRISTMAS DAY   December  25  closed
BOXING DAY   December  26  08:00AM - 04:00PM

NEW YEARS DAY   January  1  closed

Location Information
General Directions
Airline passenger: Exit the terminal through the left doors and follow the signage for car rental which is located a short walk away approx.. 3 to 5 minutes. The car rental centre is located in a spate building away from the main terminal.
**Please note that the airport is currently undergoing major renovation and extension works so the exact walkway from the terminal to the car rental building is likely to change and be modified at short notice by the airport **
Local renter: Follow signs for A13 Docklands and the City Aiport. Once entering airport, follow signs to short term car park, and head towards Avis bays.
Preferred service: N/A
Out of hours: Park car in Avis Car Hire Returns. Make note of mileage, fuel reading and time of arrival on document wallet. Put keys inside document wallet and take paperwork out . If airport is still open, leave the keys at the airport information desks. If closed, you must press the buzzer at the door of terminal to summon security. Leave the keys with security.
After-hours Returns
Park & lock the car. Place the completed contract & the keys in the Drop Box located in the Returns area. Remember to take your personal belongings with you.

Terms and Conditions

Terms & Conditions