- Forgot username?Forgot Customer ID?
- Forgot password?
- Not You?
- Need an account ? Create an Account
Create an Account
- If you already have a 6 digit Wizard number, Go Here!
For added security, we will send you a verification code to verify your identity.
Please choose a way to receive your verification code.
Receive by Text:

Receive by Email:
Choose Verification Method
Sorry, the maximum number of attempts has been reached. For your security your account has been locked.
To activate your account, click on the link we sent to your email at {{vm.securityAssessmentSummary.otpTokenverifiers.emailAddress.value}}
Email to reactivate your account sent.
Please check your Junk E-mail folder just in case the email was delivered there instead of your inbox. For further queries use the Worldwide Phone Number List to find your Budget Customer Service telephone number.
5-Star Safety
The National Highway Transportation Safety Administration from time to time rates vehicles for safety standards. Based on our last review, this vehicle was rated as a 5-star vehicle. Please note these ratings are subject to change and reflect our last review.
Are you still working for or associated with {{vm.cbpCustomer.accountName}} ?
msg.corporateAccount.youCanAlways,budget msg.corporateAccount.addNewDiscountNumberMessage,budget msg.corporateAccount.ifYouhaveOne,budget
Reserve your car now Reserve your car now
Verify Your AARP Status
Please enter the name and address linked to your AARP account.
- {{vm.errorMsg}}
Your Rate Code cannot be used for this reservation due to following reason(s):
- Rate Code requires minimum length of 5 days
Providing your age allows us to give you a more accurate rental estimates. Restrictions and additional surcharges may apply for underage driver's. Please review rental terms and conditions or call us at 800-472-3325 for details.
Note: When using your Customer ID this information may not be changed. If required, please call at 800-314-3932.
I Live In
Required to present credentials to confirm your country of residence when picking rental. If the credentials are of a different country, the reservation will still be honored but the confirmed rate may change. To modify, please cancel and create a new reservation.
Note: When using your Customer ID this information may not be changed. If required, please call at 800-314-3932.
Do you have a Customer ID?
Select to provide Customer ID (called as RapidRez with Fastbreak Service number, Basic RapidRez number or an Online ID). Providing it will apply non-secure customer account preferences (like car preference etc.).
Note: Some of profile information may not be changed. If required, please call at 800-314-3932.
Offer code (BCD or Coupon code)
Select to add a BCD (a 7-character code with one letter followed by six numbers) or Coupon code (a 7-character code with four letters followed by three numbers) to the reservation.
We are sorry, Avis Preferred Points cannot be combined with additional offers and discounts. Only one offer can be applied per reservation. If you wish to use your Preferred Points for this reservation, please remove coupon code.
Coupon Count
These are the available options that may be redeemed.
Reserve your bookings in One click.
Your coupon number cannot be used for this reservation due to following reason(s):
- The coupon code entered is not valid. Coupon codes are seven characters, four letters followed by three numbers.
Your BCD cannot be used for this reservation due to the following reason(s):
- err.bcd.bcdFormat
Resend OTP
{{vm.customerData.firstName | titleCase}}
Wizard Avis Preferred Avis Preferred lbl.global.presidentClub # {{vm.customerData.wizardNumber}}
RapidRez ID # Fastbreak ID # {{vm.customerData.wizardNumber}}

{{vm.customerData.firstName | titleCase }} | Wizard #{{vm.customerData.wizardNumber}} RapidRez ID # Fastbreak ID # {{vm.customerData.wizardNumber}}
My Rentals My Rentals
My Rentals My Rentals
Profile Profile
Profile Profile
Rewards Rewards
Rewards Rewards
Preferences Preferences
Preferences Preferences
About Budget Fastbreak About Budget Fastbreak
About Budget Fastbreak About Budget Fastbreak
Privacy Notice
Terms and Conditions
{{vm.customerData.firstName | titleCase}}
Wizard Avis Preferred Avis Preferred lbl.global.presidentClub # {{vm.customerData.wizardNumber}}
RapidRez ID # Fastbreak ID # {{vm.customerData.wizardNumber}}

{{vm.customerData.firstName | titleCase }} | Wizard #{{vm.customerData.wizardNumber}} RapidRez ID # Fastbreak ID # {{vm.customerData.wizardNumber}}
Link your Amazon account to enjoy exclusive benefits. Learn more
One edit panel is already open. Please click Cancel or Save within the panel before proceeding.
Error while generating the OTP, please try after sometime.
Welcome to your profile, {{vm.customerData.firstName | titleCase}},
Welcome to your profile, {{vm.customerData.firstName | titleCase}},
You have declined the Budget Fastbreak Terms and Conditions.
If you change your mind, review and accept the Terms and Conditions here.
Visit the Rewards page to learn about the program, its benefits and other Reward options.
You are enrolled in a Partner Rewards Program with {{vm.customerData.ftpPartnerDetails.partnerName}}.
Visit the Rewards page to learn about the program, its benefits and other Reward options.
You are currently not enrolled in a rewards program and not earning points. Visit the Rewards page to sign up for either of the programs at anytime.
Email address Verified.
Credit Card Info Saved.
Driver's License Saved.
Only {{vm.customerData.profCompStep}} steps to go between you and Budget Fastbreak. Only {{vm.customerData.profCompStep}} step to go between you and Budget Fastbreak. Almost done! Please update the terms and condition section to go to Budget Fastbreak status. You have successfully completed Budget Fastbreak Enrollment. Learn more
Learn about how to skip the counter and use Fastbreak preferences. Learn about how to skip the counter and use Fastbreak preferences.
Credit Card Charge Notification Message
- Budget reserves the right to confirm the validity of the credit card provided here or any future credit card update you provide.
- You may see a nominal amount (usually less than $2.00) appear on your bank or credit card statement.
- This amount is not a charge; it is only an authorization validation which will drop off from your account within 7 days of posting.
Security Code Help
Your Credit card's security code is 3 or 4-digit number located on its front or back.

Driver's License
Driver's License
We'll need your driver's license information
A valid driver's license is also required so let's update your profile with this information.
If you provide your mobile phone number you can opt-in to receiving text messages about your reservations.
Your Information
Standard messaging and data rates may apply. You will recive a maximum of 4 messages per rental. To opt-out of receiving test messages, Please select "No" from your profile preference or text STOP to 48400.
Protections & Coverage
Please enter the passcode we've sent to {{vm.customerData.contacts.email[0].email}}
Protections & Coverage
What Protection & Coverages do you want added to your rentals ?
{{product.additionalnote}} View More
Rewards Program
Earn Travel Partner Miles & Points (Optional)
Earn airline miles or points and enjoy special car hire discounts through our Travel Partner Program. Budget offers a variety of partnerships with airlines, hotels and other select companies.
Please enter the passcode we've sent to {{vm.customerData.contacts.email[0].email}}
Rewards Program
Earn airline mile or points and enjoy special car hire discounts through our Partner Rewards Program.
You can enroll in only one program at a time.
Note: Some Corporate BCD numbers are exempt from earning Frequent Traveler Points on Budget car rentals as per their contracted agreement. Please refer to your corporate travel policy or contact your Travel Manager.
By clicking Save, you are agreeing to the msg.profile.ftp.termsAndConditions,budget

Frequent Traveler Program for Miles/Points
Budget has many partner relationships with airlines, hotels, and destinations. Renters can earn bonus miles, points and special discounts in these programs.
Frequent Traveler Program for Miles/Points
Budget has many partner relationships with airlines, hotels, and destinations. Renters can earn bonus miles, points and special discounts in these programs.
Promotional Code
Promotional Code
Promotional Code
Earn Travel Partner Miles & Points (Optional)
Earn airline miles or points and enjoy special car hire discounts through our Travel Partner Program. Budget offers a variety of partnerships with airlines, hotels and other select companies.
Please enter the passcode we've sent to {{vm.customerData.contacts.email[0].email}}
Rewards Program
Earn airline mile or points and enjoy special car hire discounts through our Partner Rewards Program.
You can enroll in only one program at a time.
Note: Some Corporate BCD numbers are exempt from earning Frequent Traveler Points on Budget car rentals as per their contracted agreement. Please refer to your corporate travel policy or contact your Travel Manager.
By clicking Save, you are agreeing to the msg.profile.ftp.termsAndConditions,budget

Frequent Traveler Program for Miles/Points
Budget has many partner relationships with airlines, hotels, and destinations. Renters can earn bonus miles, points and special discounts in these programs.
Frequent Traveler Program for Miles/Points
Budget has many partner relationships with airlines, hotels, and destinations. Renters can earn bonus miles, points and special discounts in these programs.
Promotional Code
Promotional Code
Promotional Code
You have declined to set up your account to earn airline miles or points with an affiliated travel partner. If you change your mind, visit the Rewards section of your account to set it up.
Visit RewardsCongratulations! Your account is now set up to earn points for your {{vm.customerData.ftpPartnerDetails.partnerName}} account.
Visit the Rewards section of your account if you need to update to your information
Please enter the passcode we've sent to {{vm.customerData.contacts.email[0].email}}
Updates to First and Last Name may be requested by emailing profile.updates@avisbudget.com database.avis@abg.com database.bracnz@abg.com
{{vm.titleList[vm.customerData.title]}} {{vm.customerData.firstName | titleCase}} {{vm.customerData.lastName}}
Member since {{vm.customerData.enrollmentMonth}} {{vm.customerData.enrollmentYear}}
Username Rules
- Username must be within 6 and 45 characters.
- Username can consist of alphanumeric characters and special characters.
Please enter the passcode we've sent to {{vm.customerData.contacts.email[0].email}}
- At least 10 characters (128 max)
- At least 1 upper case character (A-Z)
- At least 1 lower case character (a-z)
- At least 1 digit (0-9)
- At least 1 special character (@,#,$)
- No more than 2 of the same characters in a row
Last updated {{vm.customerData.pwdLastUpdatedMonth}} {{vm.customerData.pwdLastUpdatedYear}}
Please enter the passcode we've sent to {{vm.customerData.contacts.email[0].email}}
Receive email offers?
Receive email offers?
Address & Telephone
Please enter the passcode we've sent to {{vm.customerData.contacts.email[0].email}}
Receive text messages regarding your reservation?
Receive text messages regarding your reservation?
Username Rules
- Username must be within 6 and 45 characters.
- Username can consist of alphanumeric characters and special characters.
Credit Card
Credit Card
Please enter the passcode we've sent to {{vm.customerData.contacts.email[0].email}}
Let's get your credit card details.
A valid credit card is required for all car rentals. We'll keep it on file so you can skip the counter when picking up your rental. When adding or updating your credit card, you may notice a small charge of $1.50 briefly posted to your card. This is temporary and will be automatically reversed within a few days.
Note: International travelers using a MasterCard or Visa charge card have the opportunity to be billed in their local currency:
I understand that if I am renting at a location at which the currency differs from my credit card issuing currency, Budget will convert my rental charges to my card issuing currency. Immediately after I return my rental car, Budget will use the prevailing conversion rate. Any converted amount will be billed to my credit card. The conversion will be conducted by the Budget location. The international currency selection fee is 3%. If you disagree please unselect checkbox.
Credit Card Charge Notification Message
- Budget reserves the right to confirm the validity of the credit card provided here or any future credit card update you provide.
- You may see a nominal amount (usually less than $2.00) appear on your bank or credit card statement.
- This amount is not a charge; it is only an authorization validation which will drop off from your account within 7 days of posting.
Security Code Help
Your Credit card's security code is 3 or 4-digit number located on its front or back.

Driver's License
Driver's License
We'll need your driver's license information
A valid driver's license is also required so let's update your profile with this information.
If you provide your mobile phone number you can opt-in to receiving text messages about your reservations.
Your Information
Standard messaging and data rates may apply. You will recive a maximum of 4 messages per rental. To opt-out of receiving test messages, Please select "No" from your profile preference or text STOP to 48400.
Budget on Location
Please Note : Once you have downloaded the latest version, your PIN number will no longer be required. To access the latest mobile version, go here.
Mobile Phone
Add your phone number and confirm your email. This will be used if you get locked out or forget your username and password.
Add your email address and confirm your phone number. This will be used if you get locked out or forget your username and password.
Connection Failed or Some Error occurred.
Build #:
Revision #:
Build Date: